I Struggle with Ableism

A reading of the blog.

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Today I want to talk about ableism and how I personally struggle with the ablest thoughts and beliefs that I was raised with. When we think about someone having discriminatory thoughts and behaviors against a group of people, we generally assume that it is a person that is outside that group. But the truth is that part of the discrimination within our society is within the people that are being discriminated against.

Continue reading “I Struggle with Ableism”


This diagnosis
describing a part of me
a bit of my fundamental self
not a thing separate from who I am

I am a Zebra and I am a Wife.
I am autistic and I am a sister.
All these: pieces of me.

Do not caution me against this.
Don’t tell me I cannot hug myself.

I carry these flags,
and I summon up my tribe.
These are my people:
here is the Dazzle and the Spoonies.

We are not broken.
We are not less than.
We may be different,
but where’s the crime?

Let’s celebrate all the colors
and light up this dreary world.
Let’s celebrate all humanity
and share in all the wonder.

I am different.
And so are you.

Do not reduce me
so you can better understand
Do not stuff me down
so you can better tolerate

Accept all that I am

All the strengths
and all the weaknesses.

Recognize all I offer.

Not only my failings
but all my achievements.

Give me permission
and let me be human.