Simplifying Life

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Today I want to talk about how I went about simplifying my life. By this, I mean how I reduced the amount of energy I needed to spend every day in order to accomplish everything that I need to. For those of us with chronic illness, we often find that there are more things that we are expected to do then we have energy for. This means that we need to take a close look at our lives and decide what we need to cut away and what needs to remain.

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ADHD Spoons

Hello my zebras and spoonies thanks for coming and hanging out with me today. I am glad that you’re here. So today I’m just going to be honest with you and I don’t really know where this is going. I came pretty close to not making any posts at all today because I’m having a lot of difficulty with my ADHD symptoms. I’m feeling very distracted. I’m feeling like focusing on anything is a small hurdle to climb over.

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Willpower is a Spoon

Hello my Zebras and Spoonies! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Today I am going to be talking about willpower and how it is just another one of the metaphorical spoons that we carry around. Well, we probably get more then one, but you get the idea. Generally speaking, willpower is the “control exerted to do something or restrain impulses.” [Oxford Languages] In many ways, this is a defining feature of humanity. It is something that we are much more capable of then other animals, yet most people will report that they feel they lack adequate willpower.

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Update 070122

Hello my Zebras and Spoonies! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Today I’m going to be giving an update on how things are going in my life.

Things have been stressful for me lately. There have been several emotionally heavy things that came all at once. There was the whole Roe vs Wade bull shit that has brought a whole host of emotions. This week was also my Gram’s birthday. I didn’t have the spoons to do a celebration of her birthday this year, but I was still thinking about her and missing her a lot. It is still hard for me to believe that she is gone. A part of my brain is still thinking that I can just drive over and have a fish dinner with her. Grief never really leaves you. It gets easier to handle, but it never goes away. I’ve reached the point in that I can talk about her without crying and that seems like healing.

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