Irony of Autistic Empathy

Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

We autistics are told we have no empathy because we experience the world differently and express ourselves differently. The irony here is that when autistic people talk about their personal experiences we are dismissed and not believed; demonstrating the lack of empathy with in the neurotypical system.

10 Things Chronic Illness Has Taught Me

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Today I want to talk about some of the lessons that chronic illness has taught me.

1. I cannot rely upon my body.

We are all born into a meat boat that we must sail through our lives within. Everything that we experience in this life is through this vessel. And it will constantly change as we travel. Normally, these changes happen over years. Coming so slowly that we struggle to tell when those changes really began. But chronic illness changes your body dramatically and quickly. Sometimes, the body that you woke up with just isn’t the body that you go to sleep with at the end of the day. Being aware of the way that our bodies betray us has made me have a greater empathy for the elderly who share in the experience of the betrayal of the flesh.

Continue reading “10 Things Chronic Illness Has Taught Me”

Great News!

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Today I wanted to celebrate that action has been taken to ensure body autonomy. DHHS put out a statement on 4/1/2024 (maybe not the best day to do this) that makes it clear that medical exams of all kinds require written consent from the patient. This is in direct response to the fact that doctors have been performing pelvic exams on women while they are under anesthesia.

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Laziness is a Lie

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Today I want to talk about the idea of being lazy. I personally believe that no one is lazy. I think that the word lazy is nothing more then a tool for shame and I strongly wish that we would stop using it. There is a more helpful way of looking at our behavior if we are interested in creating change.

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Living Exulansis

the tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it—whether through envy or pity or simple foreignness—which allows it to drift away from the rest of your life story, until the memory itself feels out of place, almost mythical, wandering restlessly in the fog, no longer even looking for a place to land.

The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Today I want to talk about a strange emotion that I constantly have that I didn’t know there was a name for. Now that I’ve learned this word I can’t help but feeling that it validates many of my life experiences. After all, if there is a name for this, it means that I cannot be the only person on the planet that has felt this way. It’s nice not feeling alone.

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Mandatory Vaccinations are Harmful

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. And with that title, I’m going to have to start this blog post out with the fact that I am pro vaccination. I get every vaccination that is offered to me and hope that they keep making more so that I can be more protected. This blog isn’t about the vaccinations themselves, because they are an amazing medical technology that I am immensely grateful for.

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Masking is not Bad

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Today, I’m giving you my hot take: “Masking isn’t bad!” Let’s start with defining what masking is:

In psychology and sociology, masking is the process in which an individual camouflages their natural personality or behavior to conform to social pressures, abuse, or harassment. 

-From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Emotional Backpack

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Today I want to talk about the way that our emotions effect us. The metaphor that I am going to use is that of a backpack.

Everyone is born with an emotional backpack that they are required to carry around with them. The first thing to understand about this backpack is that it is a part of you. There is no option to leave it behind or to not carry it. Instead, think of it like a leg or an arm. There are things that can happen to change the nature of this part of you, but it isn’t something that you can just choose not to have in your life.

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Suicide: A Permanent Solution to a Temporary Problem?

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Today I want to talk about the idea that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

This is a myth.

When I hear people say this I know immediately that they do not understand the nature and dark truth of suicide.

Continue reading “Suicide: A Permanent Solution to a Temporary Problem?”

Feeling Responsible

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. This past week was a pretty crappy week. I had a flair up of my MCAS. That meant taking some time off from work and not streaming. I hate doing both of those things because it always leads me to feeling like I’ve failed people. I know that I’m allowed to be human and to have sick days, but that’s what the little gremlin in my head keeps telling me.

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