
Since the beginning of time
Othering lines have been drawn
lines that create the family 
and lines that create monsters
boldly declaring the boundaries
and defining what is normal
leaving so many humans
standing outside those lines
feeling alone and inhuman
so I put on my mask to be safe
and do my best to stay within the lines
pretending to be normal
knowing those rules could change
these lines could include me
but they don't, leaving me Other
something outside the family
somehow unsafe and uncertain
this mask is actually a shield
protecting me from all those
making lines and monsters

Simplifying Life

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Today I want to talk about how I went about simplifying my life. By this, I mean how I reduced the amount of energy I needed to spend every day in order to accomplish everything that I need to. For those of us with chronic illness, we often find that there are more things that we are expected to do then we have energy for. This means that we need to take a close look at our lives and decide what we need to cut away and what needs to remain.

Continue reading “Simplifying Life”
Picture of a garden in the background. In the fore ground there is a pig in a zebra hoodie standing behind a wooden fence with a gate that surrounds the garden. The text at the top reads: Boundaries. Healthy boundaries are like a fence with a gate. They clearly outline the space, yet there is also a way to let people inside.”