Update 123023

Things have been pretty busy and demanding. December has been a really crazy month for me. There has been a lot going on work that has resulted in me needing to stay late and just feeling more stressed out. I got norovirus and that was less than awesome. I’ve been having increased intestinal symptoms that needed to be worked up and I am still in the process of getting that sorted. Then we got hit by a tropical storm that caused a large part of the state to loose power and internet because of all the storm damage. Sorry about my posts being irregular this month. Hopefully, things will smooth out and I will be able to get things back on track next month.

Update 102923

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. I’m just touching base with you guys today. I haven’t had a lot of spoons as of late and that has meant that I just haven’t been able to do as many things as I normally would. Sorry about no post this past week. There won’t be one for this coming week either, just this little checking in moment that won’t have a ton of refinement.

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I’m Still Struggling

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Back in March, I posted a blog titled “I’ve Been Struggling.” I shared that with you because I feel that it is important to talk about the rain and clouds in our lives. It is all too easy to filter our social media to include only the sunshine and rainbows, but I feel like this is a disservice to everyone. It creates this illusion that those who are having mental health struggles are alone in those struggles when that just isn’t the case. “It is estimated that more than one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness (57.8 million in 2021).” [1] Which means that having mental health struggles is a common human experience.

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The Catch 22 of Chronic Illness

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Today I just wanted to talk about the catch 22 of chronic illness. What’s the catch 22? How difficult it can be to judge how much or which activities are going to be alright and which ones are going to cause problems. One thing that almost every provider and most spoonies talk about is how important it is to manage and prevent your symptoms. What isn’t talked about enough is that this isn’t a simple equation that’s all worked out for us that will determine how to behave in order to achieve the best outcomes.

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010223 Update

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Today I just wanted to touch base and give a little update as to how things have been going in my life. Most of you already know that the last few years have been rather difficult for me. If I was to use one word to describe 2022, I would use tumultuous. It was a year that was filled with confusion and uncertainty. A year that has brought a great deal of change into my life. Some of that change has been really good and some has been really difficult. At the end of the year, in December, I took a leap of faith and I left bedside nursing to work full time as Zebra Pig. It has been about a month now. So, what has a month of full time as Zebra Pig been like?

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I’m Taking It On Faith

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Today, I want to give you a bit of a life update as well as talk about some of the bigger things that have been going on. Let’s start with the fact that I am not ok and my solution is that I am going to take a leap of faith. It is terrifying, but I know that things are not sustainable as they are. Which means that now must become a time of change, whether I want it or not.

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110322 Update

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. I know that I just gave an update, but there has been so much going on that I feel the need to post another one.

For those of you that don’t already know, I have become a virus and it has been a strange experience. It started with a Tik Tok which got around a million views. Then it was shared on Reddit and got around a million view over there too. Now it has been shared on YouTube and the views are climbing on that platform. This has lead to an enormous influx of people coming to visit all of my social media accounts.

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