
I hold onto my Bravado
hands trembling as I fasten my coat
head held up high, making eye contact
because I know it's expected
no one looks at their feet to conquer the world
no one takes what they want
while slumping their shoulders
and hiding their faces

I pretend that I believe
because there is nothing without the belief
since I cannot hold onto that faith
I cling to the possibility 
that one day, if I hold tight enough,
pretending to believe will cause me to believe

Up on the stage, beneath the lights
I cannot imagine that anyone wants me here
I am but a thief, taking this opportunity
from those who would really shine

but I must try
with floundering steps
and faltering voice 
I must attempt it
I cannot live forever in this darkness
not without having at least once
attempting to stand in the light

can you look upon me
and genuinely smile
can you stand beside me
and long to hold me as I do you
can you wish the best for me
as I have always for you


How would you rate your confidence level?

WordPress Prompt

Hello Dazzle! Thanks for coming and hanging out with me today, I’m glad that you are here. Today I want to talk about my self confidence, because it doesn’t work the way that most people think that it does. I’m great at bravado. I can jump into action and make it seem like I am really confident in what I am doing when I am feeling something altogether different inside. This has made it rather difficult to talk about some of the insecurities that I feel because most people who have met me don’t believe that I have them.

Continue reading “Confidence”

My ADHD: Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria

Hello my Zebras and Spoonies! Thanks for coming and visiting with me today. I’m glad that you are here. Today is my second installment for the “My Diagnosis” series and the second part that is talking about My ADHD.

I want to start by talking about the fact that Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD) is not a symptom listed in the DSM5. This has caused many people to tell me that it isn’t really a part of ADHD. The thing to keep in mind is the actual role and purpose of the DSM5. It is a diagnostic manual. This means that the purpose of the book is not to cover each diagnosis in it’s fullness. The purpose of the book is to cover the criteria that are needed to be diagnosed with the diagnosis. This means that every diagnosis in the DSM5 is not represented in it’s full capacity. It is only presented in the manner that will allow a provider to know if someone has met (or not met) the diagnostic criteria for a disorder. There are many aspects to all of these diagnoses that are not talked about in the DSM5 because they are not diagnostic features of the diagnosis.

Continue reading “My ADHD: Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria”

Stupid Little Imp

Rejection Sensivity Dysphoria (RSD) is an evil nagging imp that rides on your shoulder and lies to you about everything. It tells you that everyone around you is judging you poorly. It tells you that you are not good enough. It tells you that you don’t measure up when compared to others. It tells you that you need to be perfect in order to acheieve any kind of success. It tells you that you are impossible to love because you are not worthy of being loved.

Continue reading “Stupid Little Imp”


There is a truth that comes with having chronic illness that isn’t often talked about: we get rejected. This rejection comes in many ways. We are told that we are not good enough, not trying hard enough or we are compared to other people. We hear phrases like “Why can’t you be like your sister?” We loose friends because they don’t understand our daily struggles and we don’t always know how to talk about them.